The 3rd Annual Bauhinia World Cup


  The Bauhinia Fencing World Cup is a fencing competition started in 2018 in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture, and has been happening every year since then in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.  The competition is held with the aim of gathering together high-level athletes invited from Hong Kong, as well as those active within Japan, at one competition.  The competition takes place at the Yonezawa City-Owned Gymnasium in Yamagata Prefecture, and in 2018, it took place in conjunction with the Hong Kong Fencing Association Junior Training Camp.




A Message from the Mayor of Yonezawa

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  I welcome the 3 rd Annual Bauhinia Fencing World Cup this year, and I am truly thankful for the high number of participants each year.
In addition to the junior high and high school fencers, we also plan to welcome the Hong Kong Fencing Junior Team to the competition once again.
We are certain that the athletes’ fencing abilities will increase, but as they cross swords at the competition, it will also be the ideal opportunity for widening their outlook through the exchange of the different cultures present.
I hope that, while gathering strength in preparation for the Olympics, each of the young athletes will be able to fully display their skills at Bauhinia.


About Yonezawa Host Town Promotion Project

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  In July 2017, Yonezawa City was designated a host town for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games by the Cabinet Secretariat, and in October of 2018 the “The Host Town Memorandum between the Hong Kong Fencing Association and Yonezawa City” was enacted.
  Of course, the Yonezawa City Host Town Promotion Project started with the goal of increasing the skill of the Yonezawa and Hong Kong fencing teams in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. 
  But because of this, the goals of carrying out cultural and industrial exchange, the cultivation of human resources, and the planning of regional revitalization have also come about. It was to this end that the Bauhinia competition was started, and exchange of all kinds continues on today.

本大会について Overview


2/1(土) 個人戦
2/2(日) 個人戦
Day1/2020.2.1:Men's Foil,Women's Epee,Women's Sabre
Day2/2020.2.2:Women's Foil,Men's Epee,Men's Sabre

参加者はコチラ  / Participant is here

Past Competitions

The results and photos from past competition have been made open to the public. Please take a look to find out
more about the competition.

Exchange between Hong Kong and Yonezawa

2019年5月に15名の中学生・高校生の選手が香港へ赴き、Team Challenge 2019大会への参加および練習試合を行いました
In May 2019, 15 middle and high school student athletes participated in and had practice matches in the Hong Kong Team Challenge 2019 Competition.


For the first-timers to a fencing competition(Fencing Visualized for Tokyo2020)

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  In fencing, players are awarded points for stabbing and/or cutting their opponent with their weapons. Whichever player strikes their opponent first receives the point.
Epee, foil, and sabre are the three types of weapons. Depending on the type of weapon, the scoring zones and attack methods will be different. Take a look at an example match in this video.

Entry Form

The competition is open to anyone from junior high school age to adults. More information on the 3 rd annual competition is currently being compiled in Hong Kong.


What kind of prize will the winner get!?

Will the winner get a special prize related to Yonezawa City, where the competition will take place!?
