
Yonezawa City Fencing Hong Kong Exchange Delegation

 May 9-May 13, 2019

米沢市の中学生3名・高校生12名の選手15名、事務局6名の計21名が"香港土瓜湾九龍市"に出向き、「Team Challenge 2019」大会へ出場しました。
A total of 21 members, including 3 junior high school athletes, 12 high school athletes, and 6 staff members visited To Kwa Wan Bay in Kowloon, Hong Kong to participate in the Team Challenge 2019 competition.


Insights from the Delegation

団長:米沢市長 中川勝

Delegation Leader: Masaru Nakagawa, Yonezawa City Mayor

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For many of the student participants, it was their first time traveling abroad or riding on an airplane, and the exchange in Hong Kong pushed them to seek out things beyond the fencing competition. On the second day, during our visit to the Hong Kong Sports Institute building, the French National Fencing Team was holding their training. The students were shocked as they witnessed not only the athletes’ size, but also their impressive fencing skill. One of the students even said “One of the athletes that won a gold medal at the Rio Olympics was there too!”

For those participating in the competition this time, it will be an experience from which they can sense a difference in their ability, and through exchange with athletes from other countries, they will likely learn many things that will lead to their continuing hard work at fencing and their personal development. “Look forward to the you of tomorrow.”

副団長:公益財団法人山形県スポーツ協会 池田めぐみ

Vice Leader: Megumi Ikeda, Yamagata Sport Association

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Through the Hong Kong expedition, I personally believe that the participants’ adaptability particularly increased. The students were in a constantly changing environment, so things that exceeded what they believed to be common knowledge occurred, sometimes things didn’t happen as they thought they would, and many things occurred that went above their expectations. However, one of the things that they must work on in order to increase their skills as athletes is their adaptability. No matter what the situation, they must prepare to give the best performance of their skills, and be able to respond to any situation. This time, all of the athletes impressively adapted themselves to the requirements of the situation at hand with speed and receptivity. In a word, it was wonderful! It is my hope that they make use of this experience, and that they won’t put it to waste. Additionally, through all of the views that they saw and food that they ate for the first time, as well as through the experience of communicating in English, I think that many of them found the things that they want to do in life, as well as the things that they should do. I hope that the potential that they found within themselves while fencing in Hong Kong will somehow connect them to their futures. It was great spending time with everyone!

参加選手:米沢興譲館高校3年 Wさん

Participant: W-san, Yonezawa Kojokan High School 3rd year

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  私たちは5月9日からの5日間、Team Challenge 2019に参加するために香港に行かせて頂きました。この5日間で香港の文化や歴史を肌で感じることができたと共に、フェンシグを通して香港の方々と交流できたことを大変うれしく思います。

  On May 9th, we set out for Hong Kong with the aim of participating in Team Challenge 2019 for five days. During those five days, I was happy that we were able to not only experience the culture and history of Hong Kong, but also to meet and communicate with so many people through fencing.

  The person who I fenced with at this competition was a fencer in their 40s. They congratulated me when I got a point and complimented me, and we were able to communicate with each other regardless of our difference in language, age, or nationality. Both during the match and after, I saw many athletes that used tactics that were not often used by Japanese fencers, which turned out to be a great experience for me. During the practice time, I was happy that many of the middle and high school students that I fenced with approached me and wanted to talk to me, but I wasn’t able to communicate all of my feelings clearly, so I made it a goal to put more effort into learning English.

参加選手:米沢東高校2年 Dさん

Participant: D-san, Yonezawa Higashi High School 2nd year

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  While on the 5-day trip to Hong Kong I learned a lot about fencing, and I was able to experience what it is like to travel overseas. It was the first time that I had been abroad and I really enjoyed it. While I was there, the language barrier actually proved to be more difficult than I thought. I communicated by using simple words and translation apps. I came to understand the frustration that comes with not being able to express your thoughts and feelings, so I started wanting to learn English so that I could communicate with foreigners.

  During the fencing practice and competition, I was always anxious about being in a place with a different atmosphere and fencing with athletes from different countries so I couldn’t move exactly as I wanted to. This made me realize the importance of also having a strong mental capacity.

I believe that the things that I learned from my experience in Hong Kong will help me not only in fencing, but also in life, and I made many great memories over those 5 days. Thank you very much.

参加選手:米沢市立第三中学校2年 Wさん

Participant: W-san, Yonezawa Third Junior High School 2nd year

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  今回「Team Challenge 2019」における香港派遣に参加させていただき大変ありがとうございました。初めての海外だったので2ヶ月前ほどからとても楽しみにしていました。日本とは違う「文化」「食べ物」など初めての経験ばかりでした。練習では、相手の体の大きさに圧倒されました。練習の中では、試合形式の練習もありましたが、ぼくはぜんぜん勝つことができませんでした。
  やはり香港の人は、攻めても攻めてもびびらず自分のターンに持ってきてアタックもすごく速かったです。「Team Challenge 2019」の大会では、予選は1勝1敗で上がり、トーナメントでは2勝2敗でした。

  I am so thankful for the opportunity to visit Hong Kong and participate in Team Challenge 2019. Since it was my first time traveling abroad, I had been looking forward to it for two months. This trip was nothing but new experiences, from the culture to the food, which was all different from Japan. While practicing I was overwhelmed by the size of the other athletes. The practice was like a real match, but I wasn’t able to win at all. In the end, no matter how much I attacked, the other fencers in Hong Kong were not surprised and attacked me back with the utmost agility. At the Team Challenge 2019 competition, I had one win and one loss, and during the tournament, 2 wins and 2 losses.

  I was also so impressed by the adults that I fenced with. I gained so much valuable experience, and I am very thankful that I was able to participate in the trip to Hong Kong.